Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
05/10/2016 DexTech Medical AB ANDERS HOLMBERG VD Subscription aktier 04/10/2016 19,650 Quantity 26.00 SEK History Notification
05/10/2016 DexTech Medical AB ANDERS HOLMBERG vd Gift given teckningsrätter 04/10/2016 1,071,977 Quantity 0.00 SEK History Notification
04/10/2016 Hennes & Mauritz AB, H & M Nils Vinge IR-chef Yes Acquisition Hennes & Mauritz AB, H & M ser. B SE0000106270 04/10/2016 500 Quantity 243.00 SEK Notification
04/10/2016 Nilsson Special Vehicles ROLAND JOHANSSON Projektledare Disposal Aktiebevis Svenska Aktier Lösen SE0004168524 03/10/2016 1,200 Quantity 36.00 SEK Notification
04/10/2016 Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB NILS LENNART PERSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition SE000587756 03/10/2016 277,500 Quantity 0.75 SEK Revised Notification
04/10/2016 medirätt ab Sten Ingmar Röing Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition medirätt ab 04/10/2016 100,000 Quantity 5.00 SEK Revised Notification
04/10/2016 DexTech Medical AB ANDERS HOLMBERG vd Disposal teckningsrätter 04/10/2016 1,071,977 Quantity 0.00 SEK Revised Notification
04/10/2016 DexTech Medical AB ANDERS HOLMBERG VD Acquisition aktier 04/10/2016 19,650 Quantity 26.00 SEK Revised Notification
04/10/2016 Catena Media Danielle Calafato Finance Operations Manager Yes Acquisition Catena Media MT0001000109 03/10/2016 280 Quantity 78.00 SEK Notification
04/10/2016 Catena Media Danielle Calafato Finance Operations Manager Yes Acquisition Catena Media MT0001000109 19/09/2016 460 Quantity 79.00 SEK Notification
Showing 128651 to 128660 of 131014 result