Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
25/10/2016 Immunovia AB ROLF EHRNSTRÖM CSO Acquisition IMMNOV IA 24/10/2016 291 Quantity 87.00 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 Probi AB Gun-Britt Fransson Vice VD Acquisition Aktiebevis Svenska Aktier Lösen SE0004168524 21/10/2016 525 Quantity 264.00 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 NIBE Industrier AB Hans Emanuel Linnarson Styrelseordförande Acquisition NIBE Industrier AB BTA B SE0009163678 25/10/2016 114 Quantity 48.00 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 NIBE INDUSTRIER Eva Charlotta Kraft Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition BTA-B 24/10/2016 571 Quantity 27,408.00 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 Copperstone Resoures AB MICHAEL MATTSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition COPP B·SE0001915190 24/10/2016 500,000 Quantity 0.513 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 Copperstone Resources AB NICLAS LÖWGREN Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition COPP B·SE0001915190 24/10/2016 200,000 Quantity 0.491 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 Probi AB INGRID LINDA MARIE NECKMAR VP Operations Acquisition Probi AB BTA SE0009164031 24/10/2016 250 Quantity 264.00 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 Midsona AB LENNART SVENSSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Midsona teckningsoption 2016/2019 14/10/2016 50,000 Quantity 5.30 SEK History Notification
25/10/2016 Transferator AB Guntis Brands Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Transferator AB ser. B SE0002658278 21/10/2016 2,600 Quantity 1.19 SEK Notification
25/10/2016 Transferator AB Guntis Brands Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Transferator AB ser. B SE0002658278 24/10/2016 900 Quantity 1.19 SEK Notification
Showing 128681 to 128690 of 131536 result