Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
18/08/2016 SAAB AB GÖRAN GUSTAFSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 16.401 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB HÅKAN BUSKHE VD Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 789.32 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB DAN JANGBLAD Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 221.636 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB Lena Eliasson Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 203.571 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB MAGNUS ÖRNBERG Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 291.339 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB MAGNUS GUSTAFSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 5.658 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB Magnus Gustafsson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 3.102 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB ANNIKA BÄREMO Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 183.425 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB JONAS HJELM Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 152.792 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
18/08/2016 SAAB AB Tina Mikkelsen Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition SAAB AB ser. B SE0000112385 16/08/2016 24.975 Quantity 296.9328 SEK Notification
Showing 130891 to 130900 of 131865 result