Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
03/08/2016 Wifog Holding AB Peter Håkansson VD Acquisition Wifog SE0007614722 29/07/2016 500 Quantity 5,150.00 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Wifog Holding AB Peter Håkansson VD Acquisition Wifog SE0007614722 27/07/2016 300 Quantity 3,145.00 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Wifog Holding AB Peter Håkansson VD Acquisition Wifog SE0007614722 25/07/2016 500 Quantity 5,225.00 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Collector AB CAMILLA DORVALL CIO Disposal Collector AB SE0007048020 02/08/2016 13,000 Quantity 116.50 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Trelleborg AB SUSANNE PAHLÉN ÅKLUNDH Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Trelleborg Serie B SE0000114837 03/08/2016 500 Quantity 149.80 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Opus Group AB Per Rosén VD Dotterbolag Acquisition TO2016 01/08/2016 279,950 Quantity 0.14 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Nordax Group AB Jenny Rosberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Nordax Group AB SE0006965216 02/08/2016 1,000 Quantity 40.20 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Nordax Group AB Jenny Rosberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Nordax Group AB SE0006965216 02/08/2016 1,000 Quantity 40.00 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Nordax Group AB Jenny Rosberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Nordax Group AB SE0006965216 03/08/2016 1,000 Quantity 40.00 SEK Notification
03/08/2016 Slottsviken Fastighetsaktiebolag (publ) Fredrik Österberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Slott BTA B 1 SE0008588164 28/07/2016 1,309,854 Quantity 0.60 SEK Notification
Showing 131021 to 131030 of 131709 result