Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
27/07/2016 HomeMaid AB FREDRIK GREVELIUS Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal SE0001426131 26/07/2016 2,174 Quantity 12.25 SEK Revised Notification
27/07/2016 KappAhl AB KAJSA RÄFTEGÅRD HR och kommunikationsdirektör Disposal SE0001630880 22/07/2016 2,200 Quantity 41.50 SEK Notification
27/07/2016 KappAhl AB KAJSA RÄFTEGÅRD HR och kommunikationsdirektör Disposal SE0001630880 25/07/2016 1,864 Quantity 41.50 SEK Notification
27/07/2016 KappAhl AB KAJSA RÄFTEGÅRD HR och kommunikationsdirektör Disposal SE0001630880 26/07/2016 8,918 Quantity 41.50 SEK Notification
27/07/2016 Com Hem Holding AB (publ) Mikael Halvar Larsson Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Com Hem Holding AB SE0005999778 27/07/2016 5,000 Quantity 73.30 SEK Notification
27/07/2016 Abelco ABE Bengt Thore Johan Johansson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal SE0003617075 25/07/2016 69,104 Quantity 1.81 SEK Notification
27/07/2016 Abelco ABE Bengt Thore Johan Johansson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal SE0003617075 26/07/2016 29,184 Quantity 1.61 SEK Notification
27/07/2016 Simo Pykälistö SIMO PYKÄLISTÖ Vice VD Disposal SECTRA AB ser B SE0007306162 25/07/2016 1,500 Quantity 126.31 SEK History Notification
26/07/2016 POLYGIENE Richard Tooby Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition POLYGIENE SE0007692157 22/07/2016 73,700 Quantity 13.15 SEK Notification
26/07/2016 Brighter Henrik Norström Vice VD Acquisition Brighter SE0004019545 26/07/2016 10,500 Quantity 3.50 SEK Notification
Showing 131121 to 131130 of 131640 result