Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
15/07/2016 Aktietorget Barbro Ståhle Sjönell Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal MediRätt AB 11/07/2016 500 Quantity 6.40 SEK Notification
15/07/2016 Aktietorget Barbro Ståhle Sjönell Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal MediRätt AB 11/07/2016 5,931 Quantity 6.35 SEK Notification
15/07/2016 Aktietorget Barbro Ståhle Sjönell Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal MediRätt 11/07/2016 2,969 Quantity 6.25 SEK Notification
15/07/2016 Arctic Gold AB Tord Ingemar Cederlund VD Disposal Arctic Gold SE0000697948 06/07/2016 1,451,500 Quantity 1.30 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 Arctic Gold AB Tord Ingemar Cederlund VD Disposal Arctic Gold SE0000697948 07/07/2016 767,770 Quantity 0.90 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 Arctic Gold AB Tord Ingemar Cederlund VD Disposal Arctic Gold SE0000697948 08/07/2016 400,000 Quantity 0.90 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 Arctic Gold AB Tord Ingemar Cederlund VD Acquisition Arctic Gold SE0000697948 08/07/2016 400,000 Quantity 0.86 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 Arctic Gold Tord Ingemar Cederlund VD Disposal Arctic Gold SE0000697948 05/07/2016 1,257,000 Quantity 1.31 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 Arctic Gold Claes Levin Styrelseledamot/suppleantArt Disposal Arctic Gold SE0000697948 05/07/2016 100,000 Quantity 1.10 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 EQL Pharma AB Carl Fredrik Gustav Trawén COO Disposal EQL Pharma SE0005497732 05/07/2016 10,000 Quantity 6.95 SEK History Notification
Showing 131511 to 131520 of 131709 result