Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
15/07/2016 Kungsleden AB BILJANA PEHRSSON VD Acquisition 14/07/2016 3,000 Quantity 59.25 SEK Revised Notification
15/07/2016 Guideline Geo DANIEL NILSSON Styrelseledamot Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 15/07/2016 6,000 Quantity 8.8055 SEK Notification
15/07/2016 Oboya Horticulture Industries AB ROBERT WU Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Oboya B 13/07/2016 5,000 Quantity 14.75 SEK Revised Notification
15/07/2016 Ny utgivare Sjökvist Konsult och Kommunikation AB Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Cefour B SE0006345195 15/07/2016 2,500,000 Quantity 0.07 SEK Revised Notification
15/07/2016 Com Hem Holding AB PETRA VON ROHR Kommunikationsdirektör Acquisition Com Hem Holding AB SE0005999778 13/07/2016 865 Quantity 74.75 SEK Notification
15/07/2016 KappAhl AB MARI SVENSSON Inköp o logistik Disposal À aktie SE0001630880 13/07/2016 10,000 Quantity 40.00 SEK Revised Notification
15/07/2016 Playhippo AB Christian Eigil B:Son Bönnelyche VD Disposal PlayHippo SE0002209155 08/07/2016 1,525,000 Quantity 0.31 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 Hanza Holding AB Francesco Franzé Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Hanza Holding AB 15/07/2016 200,000 Quantity 8.00 SEK Revised Notification
15/07/2016 Guideline Geo THOMAS BOOTHE Annan ledande befattning (ANB) Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 06/07/2016 15,000 Quantity 9.00 SEK History Notification
15/07/2016 Railcare Group AB Sven Arne Håkan Pettersson Ekonomi/finanschef Disposal Railcare Group SE0002105601 11/07/2016 5,500 Quantity 108.10 SEK History Notification
Showing 131571 to 131580 of 131801 result