Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
30/08/2016 CIMON Enterprise AB PER-ANDERS JOHANSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Issue of instrument TC Tech Sweden AB 30/08/2016 250,000 Quantity 0.25 SEK History Notification
30/08/2016 Inwido AB (publ) PHILIP ISELL LIND AF HAGEBY Managing Director/Senior Vice President Norway Subscription Konvertibelt skuldebrev 29/08/2016 125,000 Amount 139.20 SEK Notification
30/08/2016 Inwido AB (publ) PHILIP ISELL LIND AF HAGEBY Managing Director/Senior Vice President Norway Acquisition Teckningsoption 30/08/2016 31,200 Amount 10.40 SEK Notification
30/08/2016 Guideline Geo THOMAS BOOTHE Annan ledande befattning (ANB) Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 24/08/2016 10,034 Quantity 8.50 SEK History Notification
30/08/2016 Guideline Geo THOMAS BOOTHE Annan ledande befattning (ANB) Acquisition Aktier 24/08/2016 16 Quantity 8.85 SEK History Notification
30/08/2016 Guideline Geo THOMAS BOOTHE Annan ledande befattning (ANB) Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 30/08/2016 111 Quantity 9.00 SEK Notification
30/08/2016 Guideline Geo THOMAS BOOTHE Annan ledande befattning (ANB) Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 30/08/2016 10,000 Quantity 8.55 SEK Revised Notification
30/08/2016 Guideline Geo THOMAS BOOTHE Annan ledande befattning (ANB) Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 30/08/2016 5,000 Quantity 8.60 SEK Revised Notification
30/08/2016 Guideline Geo THOMAS BOOTHE Annan ledande befattning (ANB) Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 29/08/2016 14,889 Quantity 8.50 SEK Revised Notification
30/08/2016 DistIT AB (publ) Stefan Charette Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Distit SE0003883800 30/08/2016 1,820 Quantity 66.2971 SEK History Notification
Showing 135731 to 135740 of 136941 result