Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
16/04/2018 Starbreeze AB Bo Andersson Klint VD Yes Subscription Starbreeze BTA A SE0011061910 11/04/2018 533,333 Quantity 7.50 SEK Notification
10/04/2018 Starbreeze AB Bo andersson Klint VD Yes Disposal Starbreeze AB Serie B Teckningsrätter 2018-03-22 SE0011061936 06/04/2018 5,146,387 Quantity 0.0764 SEK Notification
10/04/2018 Starbreeze AB Bo Andersson Klint VD Yes Disposal Starbreeze AB serie A Teckningsrätter 2018-03-22 SE0011061902 06/04/2018 10,702,917 Quantity 0.0557 SEK Notification
10/04/2018 Starbreeze AB Bo Andersson Klint VD Disposal Starbreeze AB serie A Teckningsrätter 2018-03-22 SE0011061902 06/04/2018 15,750 Quantity 0.0523 SEK Notification
10/04/2018 Starbreeze AB Bo Andersson Klint VD Disposal Starbreeze AB Serie B Teckningsrätter 2018-03-22 SE0011061936 06/04/2018 231,499 Quantity 0.086 SEK Notification
13/10/2017 Starbreeze AB Bo Andersson Klint VD Yes Acquisition Starbreeze AB ser. A SE0007158928 12/10/2017 100,000 Quantity 11.25 SEK Notification
10/10/2017 Starbreeze AB Bo Andersson Klint VD Yes Disposal Starbreeze AB ser. B SE0005992831 06/10/2017 5,250,000 Quantity 12.20 SEK Notification
10/10/2017 Starbreeze AB Bo Andersson Klint VD Yes Acquisition Starbreeze AB ser. A SE0007158928 06/10/2017 2,000,000 Quantity 12.00 SEK Notification
06/09/2016 Starbreeze AB BO ANDERSSON KLINT VD Subscription Köpoption SE0005992831 06/09/2016 2,000,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
30/08/2016 Starbreeze AB BO ANDERSSON KLINT VD Acquisition Star-B SE0005992831 26/08/2016 2,000,000 Quantity 22.80 SEK Notification
Showing 21 to 30 of 33 result