Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Fredrik Jejdling Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 1,046.056 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Chris Houghton Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 969.855 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Chris Houghton Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 1,217.584 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson NIKLAS HEUVELDOP Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 969.855 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson NIKLAS HEUVELDOP Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition ADR US2948216088 15/11/2016 1,257.105 Quantity 0.00 USD Notification
16/11/2016 Arcam AB Joakim Westh Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal Arcam AB SE0005676160 14/11/2016 1,000 Quantity 300.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Jan Magnus Frykhammar VD Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 2,308.642 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Jan Magnus Frykhammar VD Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 3,926.466 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Lagercrantz Group AB Ulf Anders Gladh Divisionschef Disposal Optionsprogram 2014/17 14/11/2016 17,250 Quantity 26.90 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Arcam AB Bruce Bradshaw Chief marketing officer Disposal Arcam AB SE0005676160 14/11/2016 1,257 Quantity 300.00 SEK Notification
Showing 124481 to 124490 of 126046 result