Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
02/12/2022 AcouSort AB Thomas Laurell Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition AcouSort AB Share SE0009189608 01/12/2022 1,418 Quantity 19.00 SEK Notification
02/12/2022 AcouSort AB Thomas Laurell Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition AcouSort AB Share SE0009189608 02/12/2022 500 Quantity 19.60 SEK Notification
02/12/2022 AcouSort AB Thomas Laurell Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition AcouSort AB Share SE0009189608 02/12/2022 1,117 Quantity 19.58 SEK Notification
02/12/2022 AcouSort AB Thomas Laurell Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition AcouSort AB Share SE0009189608 02/12/2022 70 Quantity 19.46 SEK Notification
02/12/2022 AcouSort AB Thomas Laurell Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition AcouSort AB Share SE0009189608 02/12/2022 395 Quantity 19.20 SEK Notification
02/12/2022 AcouSort AB Stefan Scheding Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition ACOUSORT AB Share SE0009189608 01/12/2022 2,105 Quantity 19.00 SEK Notification
03/03/2022 Acousort AB Stefan Scheding Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition aktier Share SE0009189608 03/03/2022 5,000 Quantity 19.00 SEK Notification
26/01/2022 AcouSort AB Katherine Flagg Member of the Board of Directors Allotment AcouSort AB share option program, Series 2021/2025 Warrant 11/01/2022 27,400 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
24/01/2022 AcouSort AB Stefan Scheding Member of the Board of Directors Allotment AcouSort AB Serie 2021/2025 Subcription warrant 11/01/2022 27,400 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
24/01/2022 AcouSort AB Thomas Laurell Member of the Board of Directors Allotment AcouSort AB Serie 2021/2025 Subcription warrant 11/01/2022 27,400 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
Showing 11 to 20 of 33 result