Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
21/10/2018 Anoto Group AB Jörgen Durban Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Anoto Group AB - BTU BTU SE0011670280 15/10/2018 1,153 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
21/10/2018 Anoto Group AB Jörgen Durban Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Exercise decrease Anoto Group AB - uniträtter Subscription right SE0011670272 15/10/2018 14,989 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
21/10/2018 Anoto Group AB Jörgen Durban Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Anoto Group AB - BTU BTU SE0011670280 17/10/2018 200,000 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
18/10/2018 Anoto Group AB Jörgen Durban Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription Anoto Group AB - BTU BTU SE0011670280 15/10/2018 14,681 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
18/10/2018 Anoto Group AB Jörgen Durban Styrelseledamot/suppleant Exercise decrease Anoto Group AB - uniträtter Subscription right SE0011670272 15/10/2018 190,853 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
18/10/2018 Anoto Group AB Jörgen Durban Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription Anoto Group AB - BTU BTU SE0011670280 17/10/2018 350,000 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
04/06/2018 Anoto Group AB Joonhee Won CEO Yes Acquisition Shares SE0010415281 01/06/2018 1,000 Quantity 3.77 SEK Notification
04/06/2018 Anoto Group AB Joonhee Won CEO Yes Acquisition Shares SE0010415281 01/06/2018 25,000 Quantity 3.7312 SEK Notification
04/06/2018 Anoto Group AB Joonhee Won CEO Yes Acquisition Shares SE0010415281 01/06/2018 20,000 Quantity 3.7391 SEK Notification
04/06/2018 Anoto Group AB Joonhee Won CEO Yes Acquisition Shares SE0010415281 01/06/2018 4,280 Quantity 3.75 SEK Notification
Showing 41 to 50 of 72 result