Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
08/02/2017 Axfood AB LOUISE RING HR Direktör Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 08/02/2017 669 Quantity 133.00 SEK Notification
08/02/2017 Axfood AB NICHOLAS PETTERSSON VD Dagab Inköp & Logistik AB Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 08/02/2017 2,000 Quantity 133.66 SEK Notification
08/02/2017 Axfood AB Annica Linnea Elmehagen Lundquist Kommunikationsdirektör Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 08/02/2017 850 Quantity 133.00 SEK Notification
08/02/2017 Axfood AB THOMAS GÄRESKOG Vd dotterbolag Acquisition aktier 08/02/2017 800 Quantity 134.70 SEK Notification
11/11/2016 Axfood AB Thomas Evertsson VD dotterbolag Acquisition Axfood AB SE0006993770 11/11/2016 2,000 Quantity 137.80 SEK Notification
Showing 121 to 125 of 125 result