Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
15/02/2021 BHG Group AB Jesper Flemme Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 11/02/2021 15,000 Quantity 148.59112 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 BHG Group AB Jesper Flemme Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 11/02/2021 8,000 Quantity 148.24415 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 BHG Group AB Jesper Flemme Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 11/02/2021 5,806 Quantity 148.00 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 BHG Group AB Jesper Flemme Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 12/02/2021 4,000 Quantity 144.0578 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 BHG Group AB Jesper Flemme Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 12/02/2021 10,000 Quantity 143.80 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 BHG Group AB Jesper Flemme Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 12/02/2021 10,000 Quantity 143.2661 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 BHG Group AB Jesper Flemme Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 15/02/2021 9,000 Quantity 143.72371 SEK Notification
05/02/2021 BHG Group AB Mikael Hagman Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 03/02/2021 52,605 Quantity 145.00 SEK Notification
04/02/2021 BHG Group AB Mikael Hagman Other senior executive Exercise decrease LTIP 2018/2021 Subcription warrant 29/01/2021 62,605 Quantity 0.00 SEK History Notification
04/02/2021 BHG Group AB Mikael Hagman Other senior executive Exercise increase BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 29/01/2021 62,605 Quantity 61.75 SEK History Notification
Showing 41 to 50 of 64 result