Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
29/07/2020 BHG Group AB Mikael Olander COO Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 27/07/2020 262,000 Quantity 116.00 SEK Notification
29/07/2020 BHG Group AB Mikael Olander COO Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 28/07/2020 26,150 Quantity 119.136 SEK Notification
21/06/2020 BHG Group AB Mikael Olander COO Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 17/06/2020 3,030,000 Quantity 80.00 SEK Notification
21/06/2020 BHG Group AB Mikael Olander COO Yes Disposal BHG Group AB Share SE0010948588 18/06/2020 1,250,000 Quantity 79.50 SEK Notification
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