Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
09/05/2017 Capio AB Gunnar Németh Styrelseledamot Disposal Capio AB SE0007185681 08/05/2017 20,000 Quantity 50.375 SEK Notification
09/05/2017 Capio AB Gunnar Németh Styrelseledamot Disposal Capio AB SE0007185681 09/05/2017 12,495 Quantity 52.00 SEK Notification
23/03/2017 Capio AB MICHAEL WOLF Styrelseledamot/suppleant tillräde 3/5-2017 Acquisition aktie SE0007185681 23/03/2017 40,000 Quantity 46.34 SEK Notification
20/09/2016 Capio AB BIRGITTA STYMNE GÖRANSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Capio AB SE0007185681 20/09/2016 1,000 Quantity 48.80 SEK Notification
08/09/2016 Capio AB Philippe Durand Other Senior Executive Yes Acquisition Convertible debenture SE0008405922 02/09/2016 113,533 Quantity 5.70 EUR Notification
08/09/2016 Capio AB Philippe Durand Other Senior Executive Disposal Convertible debenture SE0008405922 02/09/2016 113,533 Quantity 5.70 EUR Notification
31/08/2016 Capio AB (publ) SVEN ERIK SVENSSON CMO (Chief Medical Officer) Disposal ISIN SE0007185681 29/08/2016 41,600 Quantity 52.55 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Capio AB (genom Danske Bank) BO HÖJEBERG Ledamot av ledningsgrupp Capio St Görans sjukhus Subscription Konvertibelprogram 07/07/2016 42,565 Quantity 52.86 SEK Cancelled Notification
10/07/2016 Capio AB (genom Danske Bank) BO HÖJEBERG Ledamot av ledningsgrupp Capio St Görans sjukhus Subscription Konvertibelprogram 07/07/2016 42,565 Quantity 52.86 SEK Cancelled Notification
Showing 31 to 39 of 39 result