Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
20/08/2021 DistIT AB Martin Gutberg Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 19/08/2021 2,300 Quantity 109.00 SEK Notification
20/08/2021 DistIT AB Martin Gutberg Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 19/08/2021 705 Quantity 109.50 SEK Notification
20/08/2021 DistIT AB Martin Gutberg Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 19/08/2021 500 Quantity 110.00 SEK Notification
20/08/2021 DistIT AB Martin Gutberg Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 19/08/2021 304 Quantity 111.00 SEK Notification
30/06/2021 DistIT AB Adrian Langer Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 23/06/2021 821 Quantity 80.5115712 SEK Notification
15/06/2021 DistIT AB Adrian Langer Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Subscription DistIT AB Subcription warrant SE0003883800 08/06/2021 25,000 Quantity 5.26 SEK Notification
21/05/2021 DistIT AB Stefan Charette Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 21/05/2021 165,263 Quantity 82.78 SEK Notification
21/05/2021 DistIT AB Stefan Charette Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Disposal DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 21/05/2021 165,236 Quantity 82.78 SEK Notification
12/05/2021 DistIT AB Martin Gutberg Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Acquisition DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 11/05/2021 7,400 Quantity 81.00 SEK Notification
12/05/2021 DistIT AB Martin Gutberg Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Acquisition DistIT AB Share SE0003883800 10/05/2021 40 Quantity 81.00 SEK Notification
Showing 91 to 100 of 281 result