Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Mikael Östman Medlem i koncernledningen Allotment Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 1,074 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Mikael Östman Medlem i koncernledningen Disposal Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 656 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Lars Hygrell Medlem i koncernledningen Allotment Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 1,409 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Lars Hygrell Medlem i koncernledningen Disposal Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 860 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Anna Olsson-Lejon Ekonomi/finanschef Allotment Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 1,716 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Anna Olsson-Lejon Ekonomi/finanschef Disposal Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 1,047 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Alberto Zanata Medlem i koncernledningen Allotment Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 2,593 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Alberto Zanata Medlem i koncernledningen Disposal Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 1,266 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Lars Ola Martin Nilsson Medlem i koncernledningen Allotment Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 2,200 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
19/02/2018 AB Electrolux Lars Ola Martin Nilsson Medlem i koncernledningen Disposal Electrolux, AB ser. B SE0000103814 16/02/2018 1,342 Quantity 267.14 SEK Notification
Showing 191 to 200 of 237 result