Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
18/05/2017 Elos Medtech AB Thomas Öster Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 15/05/2017 407 Quantity 93.00 SEK Notification
15/05/2017 Elos Medtech AB VENOVA AB Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition elos med 11/05/2017 262 Quantity 92.00 SEK Notification
14/05/2017 Elos Medtech AB Thomas Öster Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 11/05/2017 193 Quantity 92.50 SEK Notification
11/05/2017 Elos Medtech AB Thomas Öster Styrelseledamot Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 09/05/2017 400 Quantity 94.50 SEK Notification
01/03/2017 Elos Medtech AB MATTIAS ANDERSSON VD Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 01/03/2017 1,000 Quantity 94.00 SEK Notification
29/10/2016 Elos Medtech AB JAN WAHLSTRÖM VD Acquisition teckningsoptoption SE0000120776 26/10/2016 63,000 Quantity 5.67 SEK Notification
06/09/2016 Elos Medtech AB Yvonne Christine Mårtensson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 31/08/2016 1,000 Quantity 105.09 SEK Cancelled Notification
Showing 91 to 97 of 97 result