Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
09/03/2018 Elos Medtech AB Jeppe Magnusson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 09/03/2018 1,086 Quantity 52.00 SEK Notification
26/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Thomas Öster Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 22/02/2018 500 Quantity 75.00 SEK Notification
23/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Mattias Andersson VD Disposal Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 21/02/2018 1,545 Quantity 71.75 SEK Notification
23/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Mattias Andersson VD Disposal Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 22/02/2018 955 Quantity 73.50 SEK Notification
23/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Yvonne Mårtensson Ordförande Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 23/02/2018 360 Quantity 77.00 SEK Cancelled Notification
22/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Yvonne Mårtensson Ordförande Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 22/02/2018 1,840 Quantity 75.00 SEK Cancelled Notification
22/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Anders Birgersson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 21/02/2018 709 Quantity 71.14 SEK Notification
21/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Yvonne Mårtensson Ordförande Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 20/02/2018 2,000 Quantity 69.06 SEK Cancelled Notification
20/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Jan Wahlström VD Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 19/02/2018 2,500 Quantity 68.45 SEK Notification
20/02/2018 Elos Medtech AB Jan Wahlström VD Acquisition Elos Medtech AB ser. B SE0000120776 20/02/2018 1,300 Quantity 68.94 SEK Notification
Showing 71 to 80 of 97 result