Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
22/08/2017 Essity AB Fredrik Rystedt Vice VD Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 22/08/2017 3,200 Quantity 216.84 SEK Notification
15/08/2017 Essity AB Magnus Groth VD Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 15/08/2017 13,000 Quantity 224.10 SEK Notification
15/08/2017 Essity AB Pär Boman Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Essity AB ser. A SE0009922156 11/08/2017 1,000 Quantity 220.90 SEK Notification
15/08/2017 Essity AB Pär Boman Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 11/08/2017 1,000 Quantity 221.60 SEK Notification
15/08/2017 Essity AB Pär Boman Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 14/08/2017 2,000 Quantity 224.00 SEK Notification
07/08/2017 Essity Aktiebolag (publ) Pablo Fuentes SVP Acquisition Essity B SE0009922164 02/08/2017 2,707 Quantity 28.56 USD Notification
26/07/2017 ESSITY AB NAMN-AKTIER B Volker Zöller President Consumer Goods Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 26/07/2017 4,200 Quantity 232.54905 SEK Notification
25/07/2017 Essity AB Georg Schmundt-Thomas President Global Hygiene Category Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 24/07/2017 1,300 Quantity 24.408 EUR Notification
25/07/2017 Essity AB Georg Schmundt-Thomas President Global Hygiene Category Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 24/07/2017 1,300 Quantity 31,730.40 EUR Cancelled Notification
24/07/2017 Essity AB Georg Schmundt-Thomas President Global Hygiene Category Acquisition Essity AB ser. B SE0009922164 24/07/2017 1,300 Quantity 31,730.40 EUR Cancelled Notification
Showing 151 to 160 of 185 result