Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
07/07/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Olof Heyman Member of the Board of Directors Exercise increase Ferroamp Elektronik AB BTA SE0012229920 06/07/2021 62,500 Quantity 16.00 SEK Notification
07/07/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Olof Heyman Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Ferroamp Elektronik AB Share SE0012229920 06/07/2021 45,000 Quantity 75.00 SEK Notification
25/05/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Erik Mattias Nyström Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Acquisition Ferroamp Elektronik AB Share SE0012229920 21/05/2021 2,500 Quantity 78.60 SEK Notification
20/05/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Kerstin Wähl Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Acquisition FERRO Share SE0012229920 20/05/2021 1,000 Quantity 73.99 SEK Notification
14/04/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Björn Jernström Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal FERRO Share SE0012229920 12/04/2021 53,260 Quantity 90.5364 SEK Notification
07/04/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Åsa Hedman Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Subscription Ferroamp Elektronik AB Teckningsoption Serie 2021/2024 Subcription warrant 31/03/2021 4,000 Quantity 15.60 SEK Notification
06/04/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Erik Mattias Nyström Other senior executive Subscription Ferroamp Elektronik AB Teckningsoption Serie 2021/2024 Subcription warrant 31/03/2021 4,000 Quantity 15.60 SEK Notification
06/04/2021 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Carl Heyman Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Subscription Ferroamp Elektronik AB Teckningsoption Serie 2021/2024 Subcription warrant 31/03/2021 4,000 Quantity 15.60 SEK Notification
22/11/2020 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Krister Werner Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Teckningsoptioner 20/23 Option 01/06/2020 6,000 Quantity 9.13 SEK Notification
16/07/2020 Ferroamp Elektronik AB Anders Becker Manager Aftersales Disposal Ferroamp Elektronik AB Share 10/07/2020 3,100 Quantity 60.06032 SEK Notification
Showing 21 to 30 of 47 result