Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Joakim Tedroff CMO Yes Acquisition Irlab BTA A BTA SE0013748324 25/02/2020 11,500 Quantity 27.00 SEK History Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Joakim Tedroff CMO Yes Acquisition Irlab BTA A BTA SE0013748324 25/02/2020 11,500 Quantity 27.00 SEK Revised Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics ab Clas Sonesson CSO Subscription IRLAB BTA A BTA SE0013748332 25/02/2020 5,185 Quantity 27.00 SEK Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Viktor Siewertz CFO Yes Subscription IRLAB BTA A BTA SE0013748332 25/02/2020 12,125 Quantity 27.00 SEK Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Viktor Siewertz CFO Yes Subscription IRLAB BTA A BTA SE0013748332 25/02/2020 2,500 Quantity 27.00 SEK Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Viktor Siewertz CFO Yes Subscription IRLAB BTA A BTA SE0013748332 25/02/2020 2,500 Quantity 27.00 SEK Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Cecilia Tivert Stenberg Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition IRLAB BTA A BTA SE0013748332 25/02/2020 3,500 Quantity 27.00 SEK Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB therapeutics AB Carola Elisabet Lemne Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription IRLAB Therapeutics BTA A BTA SE0013748332 25/02/2020 1,000 Quantity 27.00 SEK Revised Notification
26/02/2020 IRLAB Therapeutics AB IRLAB Therapeutics AB Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition IRLAB Therapeutics A Share SE0012675361 26/02/2020 7,238 Quantity 28.40 SEK Revised Notification
25/02/2020 Irlab Therapeutics AB Anders Vedin Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription IRLAB BTA A/SE0013748332 BTA SE0013748332 24/02/2020 1,262 Quantity 27.00 SEK Notification
Showing 31 to 40 of 107 result