Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
10/07/2019 IRLAB Theraoeutics AB VEDICUS AB Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Exchange increase IRLAB Therapeutics Serie A Share SE0012675361 10/07/2019 19,478 Quantity 92.18 SEK Revised Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Nicholas Waters VD Exchange decrease IRLAB Therapeutics AB serie B Share SE0012675379 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Nicholas Waters VD Exchange increase IRLAB Therapeutics AB serie A Share SE0012675361 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Susanna Holm Waters Director of Biology and Biostatistics Exchange decrease IRLAB Therapeutics AB serie B Share SE0012675379 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Susanna Holm Waters Director of Biology and Biostatistics Exchange increase IRLAB Therapeutics AB serie A Share SE0012675361 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Joakim Tedroff CMO Exchange decrease IRLAB Therapeutics AB serie B Share SE0012675379 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Joakim Tedroff CMO Exchange increase IRLAB Therapeutics AB serie A Share SE0012675361 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Cecilia Tivert Stenberg Ekonomi/finanschef Yes Exchange decrease IRLAB Therapeutics AB, Serie B Share SE0012675379 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK History Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Cecilia Tivert Stenberg Ekonomi/finanschef Yes Exchange increase IRLAB Therapeutics AB, Serie A Share SE0012675361 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK History Notification
10/07/2019 IRLAB Therapeutics AB Cecilia Tivert Stenberg Ekonomi/finanschef Yes Exchange decrease IRLAB Therapeutics AB, Serie B Share SE0012675379 10/07/2019 31,299 Quantity 92.18 SEK Revised Notification
Showing 61 to 70 of 107 result