Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
25/10/2021 Kinnevik AB (publ) Georgi Martin Ganev Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Kinnevik B KINV B Share SE0015810247 25/10/2021 12,371 Quantity 331.30 SEK Notification
22/06/2021 Kinnevik AB (publ) Harald Mix Member of the Board of Directors Yes Exercise decrease Kinnevik IL A Redemption share SE0015797592 18/06/2021 25,000 Quantity 184.30 SEK Notification
18/06/2021 Kinnevik AB (publ) Georgi Martin Ganev Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Exercise decrease Kinnevik IL B Redemption share SE0015797600 18/06/2021 136,512 Quantity 184.30 SEK Notification
18/06/2021 Kinnevik AB (publ) Charlotte Strömberg Member of the Board of Directors Exercise decrease Kinnevik IL B Redemption share SE0015797600 18/06/2021 4,000 Quantity 184.30 SEK Notification
18/06/2021 Kinnevik AB (publ) Susanna Campbell Member of the Board of Directors Exercise decrease Kinnevik IL B Redemption share SE0015797600 18/06/2021 1,700 Quantity 184.30 SEK Notification
12/06/2020 Kinnevik AB (publ) Erika Söderberg Johnsson Ekonomi/finanschef Allotment Kinnevik AK J1/C1 2020 Share SE0014428207 12/06/2020 3,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
12/06/2020 Kinnevik AB (publ) Erika Söderberg Johnsson Ekonomi/finanschef Allotment Kinnevik AK J2/C2 2020 Share SE0014428215 12/06/2020 18,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
12/06/2020 Kinnevik AB (publ) Erika Söderberg Johnsson Ekonomi/finanschef Allotment Kinnevik AK J3/D 2020 Share SE0014428223 12/06/2020 21,600 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
12/06/2020 Kinnevik AB (publ) Georgi Martin Ganev VD Allotment Kinnevik AK J1/C1 2020 Share SE0014428207 11/06/2020 6,500 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
12/06/2020 Kinnevik AB (publ) Georgi Martin Ganev VD Allotment Kinnevik AK J2/C2 2020 Share SE0014428215 11/06/2020 54,600 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
Showing 11 to 20 of 25 result