Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
14/03/2017 Lammhults Design Group AB MARIA ARVIDSSON BERGVING Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 13/03/2017 300 Quantity 75.75 SEK Notification
07/03/2017 Lammhults Design Group AB SCAPA CAPITAL Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB A-aktie SE0000386120 07/03/2017 7,187 Quantity 85.00 SEK Notification
30/12/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB JOHAN RAGNAR VD i LDGs dotterbolag Ragnars Disposal Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 29/12/2016 4,000 Quantity 57.00 SEK Notification
01/11/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB Stefan Liljedahl Ekonomi/finanschef Subscription lamm 31/10/2016 760 Quantity 56.50 SEK Notification
31/10/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB Fredrik Asplund VD Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 31/10/2016 116 Quantity 56.00 SEK History Notification
31/10/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB Fredrik Asplund VD Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 31/10/2016 2 Quantity 56.00 SEK History Notification
31/10/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB Fredrik Asplund VD Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 31/10/2016 98 Quantity 56.00 SEK History Notification
31/10/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB Fredrik Asplund VD Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 31/10/2016 548 Quantity 55.75 SEK History Notification
31/10/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB Fredrik Asplund VD Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 31/10/2016 250 Quantity 55.25 SEK History Notification
31/10/2016 Lammhults Design Group AB Fredrik Asplund VD Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 31/10/2016 46 Quantity 55.25 SEK History Notification
Showing 161 to 170 of 181 result