Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
03/09/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD Dotterbolag Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 27/08/2018 1,100 Quantity 45.60 SEK Notification
08/08/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD i Dotterbolag Disposal Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 01/08/2018 92 Quantity 47.20 SEK Notification
08/08/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD i Dotterbolag Disposal Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 03/08/2018 682 Quantity 47.30 SEK Notification
08/08/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD i Dotterbolag Disposal Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 03/08/2018 170 Quantity 47.40 SEK Notification
08/08/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD i Dotterbolag Disposal Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 06/08/2018 390 Quantity 47.53 SEK Notification
08/08/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD i Dotterbolag Disposal Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 07/08/2018 1,419 Quantity 47.50 SEK Notification
16/07/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Michael Grindborn Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 16/07/2018 75 Quantity 48.00 SEK Notification
16/07/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Michael Grindborn Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 16/07/2018 1,300 Quantity 47.60 SEK Notification
11/06/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD Dotterbolag Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 05/06/2018 20 Quantity 45.60 SEK Notification
30/05/2018 Lammhults Design Group AB Johan Karl Gustav Ragnar VD dotterbolag Acquisition Lammhults Design Group AB ser. B SE0000386138 25/05/2018 500 Quantity 45.90 SEK Notification
Showing 71 to 80 of 181 result