Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
17/10/2021 Newton Nordic AB Mårten Svanfeldt Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Disposal Newton Nordic AB Share SE0006504353 15/10/2021 20,000 Quantity 0.497086 SEK Notification
17/10/2021 Newton Nordic AB Mårten Svanfeldt Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Yes Disposal Newton Nordic AB Share SE0006504353 15/10/2021 20,000 Quantity 0.49 SEK Notification
30/10/2020 Newton Nordic AB Robin Kahlbom Styrelseledamot,Affärsutvecklingschef Exercise decrease Newton Nordic AB UR Subscription right/Unit right 27/10/2020 275,625 Quantity 0.00 SEK History Notification
30/10/2020 Newton Nordic AB Robin Kahlbom Styrelseledamot,Affärsutvecklingschef Disposal Newton Nordic AB UR Subscription right/Unit right 27/10/2020 275,625 Quantity 0.00 SEK Revised Notification
28/10/2020 Newton Nordic AB Mårten Svanfeldt Teknikchef Yes Subscription Newton Nordic BTU BTU SE0014991006 27/10/2020 182,012 Quantity 0.70 SEK Notification
28/10/2020 Newton Nordic AB Henrik Lewander VD Subscription Newton Nordic BTU BTU SE0014991006 27/10/2020 34,500 Quantity 0.70 SEK Notification
28/10/2020 Newton Nordic AB Henrik Lewander VD Subscription Newton Nordic BTU BTU SE0014991006 27/10/2020 163,250 Quantity 0.70 SEK Notification
28/10/2020 Newton Nordic AB Robin Kahlbom Styrelseledamot/suppleant,Affärsutvecklingschef Subscription NEWTON NORDIC BTU BTU SE0014991006 27/10/2020 70,000 Quantity 0.70 SEK Notification
25/05/2020 Newton Nordic AB Henrik Lewander VD Acquisition Newton Nordic AB Share SE0006504353 22/05/2020 32,000 Quantity 19.12 SEK Notification
20/05/2020 Newton Nordic AB Henrik Lewander VD Acquisition Newton Nordic AB Share SE0006504353 19/05/2020 133,000 Quantity 0.188 SEK Notification
Showing 51 to 60 of 62 result