Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
19/11/2021 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Phal Share SE0015659206 19/11/2021 41,554 Quantity 1.102 SEK Notification
24/08/2021 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition PharmaLundensis Share SE0015659206 24/08/2021 50,000 Quantity 0.77 SEK Notification
23/03/2021 PharmaLundensis AB SkåneÖrnen AB Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition PHAL BTU BTU SE0015659206 19/03/2021 100,000 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
16/10/2020 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall vd Acquisition Pharmalundensis AB Share SE0003359710 16/10/2020 12,600 Quantity 1.185 SEK Notification
09/07/2020 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall vd Acquisition Phal AB Share SE0003359710 08/07/2020 14,103 Quantity 1.20 SEK Notification
15/06/2020 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall vd Disposal Phal AB KV2 2020/2027 BTU SE0014400644 15/06/2020 2,616 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
01/06/2020 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall VD Subscription Phal KV2 2020/2027 BTU SE0014400644 01/06/2020 11,023 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
27/05/2020 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall vd Subscription Phal KV2 2027 BTU SE0014400644 25/05/2020 8,977 Quantity 3.00 SEK Notification
13/12/2019 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall vd Disposal Phal UR Subscription right SE0013512068 12/12/2019 2,637,810 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
13/12/2019 PharmaLundensis AB Tord Staffan Håkan Skogvall vd Yes Disposal Phal UR Subscription right SE0013512068 12/12/2019 8,159,189 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
Showing 41 to 50 of 71 result