Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
28/02/2018 Sandvik AB Johan Max Molin styrelseordförande Disposal köpoption 28/02/2018 1,000,000 Quantity 10.00 SEK Notification
13/02/2018 Sandvik AB Helena Stjernholm Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Sandvik AB SE0000667891 12/02/2018 5,000 Quantity 145.65 SEK Notification
04/01/2018 Sandvik AB Thomas Andersson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal Sandvik AB SE0000667891 03/01/2018 306 Quantity 144.91 SEK Notification
04/01/2018 Sandvik AB Thomas Andersson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Sandvik AB SE0000667891 03/01/2018 306 Quantity 144.91 SEK Notification
29/10/2017 Sandvik AB Klas Forsström affärsområdeschef Disposal Sandvik AB SE0000667891 25/10/2017 3,000 Quantity 147.10 SEK Notification
30/08/2017 Sandvik AB Johan Kerstell Vice VD5228 Acquisition Sandvik AB SE0000667891 30/08/2017 768 Quantity 128.20 SEK Notification
16/08/2017 Sandvik AB Björn Rosengren VD Acquisition Sandvik AB SE0000667891 16/08/2017 5,000 Quantity 126.00 SEK Notification
12/06/2017 Sandvik AB Björn Rosengren VD Acquisition Sandvik AB SE0000667891 07/06/2017 9,700 Quantity 137.24 SEK Notification
09/06/2017 Sandvik AB Klas Forsström Affärsområdeschef Acquisition Sandvik AB SE0000667891 07/06/2017 2,915 Quantity 137.24 SEK Notification
09/06/2017 Sandvik AB Johan Kerstell Medlem av koncernledning Acquisition Sandvik AB SE0000667891 07/06/2017 1,522.879 Quantity 137.2394 SEK Notification
Showing 491 to 500 of 532 result