Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
27/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Peter Laurits Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Subscription STW BTU BTU SE0019176173 25/01/2023 2,864 Quantity 40.00 SEK Notification
26/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Dan Friberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Subscription STW BTU BTU SE0019176173 26/01/2023 28,286 Quantity 40.00 SEK Notification
24/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Knut Claesson Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Subscription STW BTU BTU SE0019176173 18/01/2023 482,387 Quantity 40.00 SEK Notification
23/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Mats Hult Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Subscription STW BTU BTU SE0019176173 23/01/2023 3,000 Quantity 40.00 SEK Notification
21/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB Lars Tenerz Member of the Board of Directors Yes Subscription SeaTwirl AB BTU BTU SE0019176173 19/01/2023 12,500 Quantity 40.00 SEK History Notification
19/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Dan Friberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Disposal STW UR Subscription right/Unit right SE0019176165 16/01/2023 254,576 Quantity 0.04 SEK Notification
19/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Dan Friberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Gift given SeaTwirl AB UR Subscription right/Unit right SE0019176165 16/01/2023 63,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
19/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Black&White Ventures AB Member of the Board of Directors Disposal SeaTwirl AB UR Subscription right/Unit right SE0019176165 16/01/2023 66,041 Quantity 0.03 SEK Notification
02/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Michael Anderson Member of the Board of Directors Allotment Employee stock option 2022/2027 ( Sw . Personaloption 2022/2027 Option 27/12/2022 12,500 Quantity 80.00 SEK History Notification
02/01/2023 SeaTwirl AB (publ) Jonas Boström Other senior executive Allotment Employee stock option 2022/2027 (Sw. Personaloption 2022/2027) Option 28/12/2022 12,500 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
Showing 51 to 60 of 154 result