Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
17/01/2017 Sivers IMA Holding AB MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Teckningsoptioner SE0003917798 12/01/2017 150,000 Quantity 0.78 SEK Cancelled Notification
17/01/2017 Sivers IMA Holding AB MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Sivers IMA Holding AB SE0003917798 16/01/2017 10,000 Quantity 5.91 SEK Cancelled Notification
17/01/2017 Sivers IMA Holding AB MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Teckningsoptioner SE0003917798 12/01/2017 150,000 Quantity 0.78 SEK Cancelled Notification
17/01/2017 Sivers IMA Holding AB MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Sivers IMA Holding AB SE0003917798 16/01/2017 10,000 Quantity 5.91 SEK Cancelled Notification
05/01/2017 Sivers IMA MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Sivers IMA SE0003917798 02/01/2017 10,000 Quantity 5.45 SEK Notification
05/01/2017 Sivers IMA MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Sivers IMA SE0003917798 03/01/2017 5,000 Quantity 5.24 SEK Notification
05/01/2017 Sivers IMA MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Sivers IMA SE0003917798 04/01/2017 1,805 Quantity 5.15 SEK Notification
05/01/2017 Sivers IMA MARTIN STURESSON Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Sivers IMA SE0003917798 05/01/2017 3,195 Quantity 5.20 SEK Notification
15/11/2016 Sivers IMA Holding ANDERS STORM VD Acquisition Teckningsoptioner SE0003917798 13/10/2016 750,000 Quantity 0.30 SEK History Notification
18/10/2016 Sivers IMA Holding PATRIC ERLANDSSON VP Sales & Marketing Acquisition Teckningsoptioner SE0003917798 13/10/2016 165,000 Quantity 0.30 SEK Notification
Showing 71 to 80 of 86 result