Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
11/09/2016 Swedol AB JOHN ZETTERBERG Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 09/09/2016 33 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
11/09/2016 Swedol AB John Zetterberg och Rolf Zetterberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 09/09/2016 11,448 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
08/09/2016 Swedol AB BTA B Rolf Zetterberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 06/09/2016 168 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
07/09/2016 Swedol AB LEIF REINHOLDSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 01/09/2016 3,000 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
06/09/2016 Swedol AB PETER SÖDERBERG Affärsutvecklingschef Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 06/09/2016 8 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
02/09/2016 Swedol AB Håkan Wanselius Sälj & marknadschef Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 01/09/2016 6,408 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
02/09/2016 Swedol AB Clein Johansson Ullenvik VD Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 01/09/2016 47,400 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
02/09/2016 Swedol AB PONTUS GLASBERG Logistikchef Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 01/09/2016 3,000 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
02/09/2016 Swedol AB Rolf Zetterberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 02/09/2016 60,600 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
02/09/2016 Swedol AB JOHN ZETTERBERG Styrelseledamot/suppleant Subscription Swedol AB BTA B SE0008730865 01/09/2016 12,000 Quantity 16.25 SEK Notification
Showing 41 to 50 of 58 result