Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
21/10/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Stella Medlicott Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B Share SE0000108656 20/10/2021 73.179 Quantity 102.4824 SEK Notification
21/10/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Jan Troadec Karlsson Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B Share SE0000108656 20/10/2021 13.224 Quantity 102.4824 SEK Notification
21/10/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Torbjörn Nyman Employee Representative of the Board of Directors or deputy Employee Representative of the Board of Directors Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B Share SE0000108656 20/10/2021 223.033 Quantity 102.4824 SEK Notification
27/08/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Christopher John Houghton Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B Share SE0000108656 25/08/2021 50,000 Quantity 103.23245 SEK Notification
17/08/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Nunzio Mirtillo Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B Share SE0000108656 17/08/2021 10,000 Quantity 98.6172 SEK Notification
19/05/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Xavier Dirk B Dedullen Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Telefonaktiebolaget L.M.Erics.Namn-Aktier B (fria) o.N. Share SE0000108656 18/05/2021 5,235 Quantity 111.040299 SEK Notification
19/05/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Niklas Heuveldop Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Telefonaktiebolaget L.M.Erics.Namn-Aktier B (fria) o.N. Share SE0000108656 18/05/2021 79,267 Quantity 111.040299 SEK Notification
19/05/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Peter Laurin Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Telefonaktiebolaget L.M.Erics.Namn-Aktier B (fria) o.N. Share SE0000108656 18/05/2021 35,410 Quantity 111.040299 SEK Notification
19/05/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Majbritt Arfert Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Telefonaktiebolaget L.M.Erics.Namn-Aktier B (fria) o.N. Share SE0000108656 18/05/2021 19,649 Quantity 111.040299 SEK Notification
19/05/2021 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Arun Bansal Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Disposal Telefonaktiebolaget L.M.Erics.Namn-Aktier B (fria) o.N. Share SE0000108656 18/05/2021 44,539 Quantity 111.040299 SEK Notification
Showing 131 to 140 of 1027 result