Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Karin Margareta Ölund Åberg Styrelseledamot Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 64.657 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Karin Margareta Ölund Åberg Styrelseledamot Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 36.002 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Elaine Grunewald Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 129.314 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Elaine Grunewald Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 186.346 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ROGER SVENSSON Styrelsesuppleant Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 293.349 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ROGER SVENSSON Styrelsesuppleant Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 155.06 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson LENA CHARLOTTA SUND Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 258.628 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson LENA CHARLOTTA SUND Medlem i koncernledningen Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 372.692 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson KJELL-ÅKE SOTING Styrelsesuppleant Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 173.216 Quantity 46.2827 SEK Notification
16/11/2016 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson KJELL-ÅKE SOTING Styrelsesuppleant Acquisition Ericsson, Telefonab. L M ser. B SE0000108656 15/11/2016 86.405 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
Showing 941 to 950 of 1041 result