Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
15/07/2019 AddLife AB Johan Sjö styrelseordförande Disposal AddLife AB ser. B Share SE0007982814 15/07/2019 5,042 Quantity 280.00 SEK Notification
12/07/2019 AddLife AB Håkan Roos Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal AddLife AB ser. B Share SE0007982814 12/07/2019 1,000,000 Quantity 280.00 SEK Notification
06/06/2019 AddLife AB Johan Sjö styrelseordförande Disposal AddLife AB ser. B Share SE0007982814 05/06/2019 1,386 Quantity 263.10 SEK Notification
05/06/2019 AddLife AB Kristina Willgård VD Acquisition AddLife AB 4 B Option SE0012702918 04/06/2019 33,000 Quantity 19.10 SEK Notification
04/06/2019 AddLife AB Peter Mikael Simonsbacka Affärsområdeschef Acquisition AddLife AB 4 B Option SE0012702918 04/06/2019 23,000 Quantity 19.10 SEK Notification
04/06/2019 AddLife AB Lars-Erik Rydell Affärsområdeschef Acquisition AddLife AB4B Option SE0012702918 04/06/2019 23,000 Quantity 19.10 SEK Notification
04/06/2019 AddLife AB Martin Almgren Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition AddLife AB 4 B Option SE0012702918 04/06/2019 23,000 Quantity 19.10 SEK Notification
21/02/2019 AddLife AB BTA Håkan Roos Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Addlife BTA Ser A BTA 20/02/2019 67,131 Quantity 142.00 SEK Notification
21/02/2019 AddLife AB BTA Håkan Roos Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Addlife BTA Ser B BTA 20/02/2019 364,641 Quantity 142.00 SEK Notification
20/02/2019 AddLife AB Kristina Willgård VD Yes Acquisition AddLife AB ser. B BTA SE0007982814 15/02/2019 171 Quantity 142.00 SEK Notification
Showing 151 to 160 of 217 result