Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
06/12/2017 Attendo AB Cecilia Addamshill VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 05/12/2017 21,460 Quantity 88.00 SEK Notification
05/12/2017 Attendo AB Ammy Wehlin VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 04/12/2017 5,200 Quantity 88.34 SEK Notification
04/12/2017 Attendo AB Ammy Wehlin VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 04/12/2017 79,718 Quantity 87.607 SEK Notification
03/12/2017 Attendo AB Ammy Wehlin VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 01/12/2017 45,000 Quantity 87.677 SEK Notification
01/12/2017 Attendo AB Ammy Wehlin VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 30/11/2017 36,000 Quantity 87.736 SEK Notification
30/11/2017 Attendo AB Pertti Karjalainen BA Director Acquisition Attendo AB SE0007666110 29/11/2017 191,150 Quantity 60.00 SEK Notification
30/11/2017 Attendo AB Ammy Wehlin VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 29/11/2017 1,282 Quantity 87.50 SEK Notification
30/11/2017 Attendo AB Cecilia Addamshill VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 29/11/2017 56,020 Quantity 87.0137 SEK Notification
29/11/2017 Attendo AB Cecilia Addamshill VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 28/11/2017 74,248 Quantity 87.0556 SEK Notification
29/11/2017 Attendo AB Ammy Wehlin VD Disposal Attendo AB SE0007666110 28/11/2017 26,000 Quantity 87.891 SEK Notification
Showing 141 to 150 of 200 result