Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
05/12/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Björn Westberg Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 04/12/2017 20,000 Quantity 20.00 SEK Notification
11/09/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Björn Westberg Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 11/09/2017 4,000 Quantity 23.50 SEK Notification
04/09/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Björn Westberg Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 04/09/2017 2,000 Quantity 24.20 SEK Notification
30/08/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Björn Westberg Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 29/08/2017 2,000 Quantity 25.00 SEK Notification
22/08/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Björn Westberg Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 22/08/2017 2,000 Quantity 26.00 SEK Notification
30/06/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Richard Davies CEO Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 29/06/2017 2,000 Quantity 28.90 SEK Notification
28/06/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Björn Westberg Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 27/06/2017 10,000 Quantity 29.20 SEK Notification
26/06/2017 BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB Björn Odlander Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB SE0009858152 21/06/2017 7,758 Quantity 29.00 SEK Notification
21/06/2017 Bonesupport Holding AB Lars Åke Alvar Lidgren Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Bonesupport Holding AB SE0009858152 21/06/2017 2,400 Quantity 30.70 SEK Notification
Showing 191 to 199 of 199 result