Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Harald Castler President affärsområde LifeScience Acquisition Syntetisk option 07/05/2018 217,391 Quantity 101.50 SEK Revised Notification
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Lars Sandström CFO Acquisition Syntetisk option 07/05/2018 289,855 Quantity 6.90 SEK Revised Notification
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Eva Christina Malin Persson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Syntetisk option 07/05/2018 144,927 Quantity 6.90 SEK Notification
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Johan Erik Stern Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Syntetisk Option 07/05/2018 144,927 Quantity 6.90 SEK Notification
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Jeanette Hedén Carlsson Kommunikationschef Acquisition syntetisk option 07/05/2018 144,927 Quantity 6.90 SEK Notification
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Lena Hagman EVP Acquisition Syntetisk option 07/05/2018 217,391 Quantity 6.90 SEK Notification
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Jens Viebke President ACT Acquisition Synthetic Share Option 07/05/2018 217,391 Quantity 6.90 SEK Notification
07/05/2018 Getinge AB Carl Bennet Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Issue of instrument Syntetisk option 07/05/2018 3,153,889 Quantity 6.90 SEK Notification
27/03/2018 Getinge AB Johan Bygge Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition GETI B SE0000202624 26/03/2018 1,285 Quantity 93.30 SEK Notification
21/02/2018 Getinge AB Carsten Blecker Chief Commercial Officer Acquisition Getinge AB ser. B SE0000202624 20/02/2018 595 Quantity 102.45 SEK Notification
Showing 81 to 90 of 137 result