Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
07/06/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Johan Qviberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 05/06/2024 3,008 Quantity 11.26 SEK Notification
01/06/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Johan Qviberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 31/05/2024 2,670 Quantity 10.00 SEK Notification
31/05/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Johan Qviberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 30/05/2024 10,000 Quantity 10.20 SEK Notification
31/05/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Johan Qviberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 29/05/2024 10,000 Quantity 10.20 SEK Notification
22/05/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Johan Qviberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 22/05/2024 23,026 Quantity 8.86 SEK Notification
21/05/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Johan Qviberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 21/05/2024 6,974 Quantity 8.77 SEK Notification
21/05/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Erik Axelsson Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 21/05/2024 4,000 Quantity 8.96 SEK Notification
02/04/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Erik Axelsson Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 02/04/2024 3,000 Quantity 10.00 SEK Notification
28/03/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Erik Axelsson Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 28/03/2024 1,500 Quantity 9.97 SEK Notification
28/03/2024 Imint Image Intelligence AB Johan Qviberg Chairman of the Board of Directors Acquisition IMINT Image Intelligence Share SE0007692124 27/03/2024 10,000 Quantity 9.82 SEK Notification
Showing 1 to 10 of 153 result