Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
07/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB Stig Anders Jacob Lindberg Other senior executive Subscription Oncopeptides AB BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 1,090,708 Quantity 2.60 SEK Notification
06/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB Per Wold-Olsen Chairman of the Board of Directors Subscription Oncopeptides BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 519,180 Quantity 2.60 SEK Notification
06/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB Sofia Heigis Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Subscription Oncopeptides AB BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 66,804 Quantity 2.60 SEK History Notification
06/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB David Augustsson Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Subscription Oncopeptides BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 9,332 Quantity 2.60 SEK Notification
06/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB Henrik Bergentoft Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Subscription Oncopeptides BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 13,332 Quantity 2.60 SEK Notification
04/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB Sofia Heigis Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Oncopeptides AB BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 66,804 Quantity 2.60 SEK Revised Notification
03/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB (publ) Cecilia Daun Wennborg Member of the Board of Directors Subscription Oncopeptides AB BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 15,732 Quantity 2.60 SEK Notification
03/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB Stefan Norin Other member of the company's administrative, management or supervisory body Subscription Oncopeptides AB BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 2,664 Quantity 2.60 SEK Notification
03/05/2024 Oncopeptides AB (publ.) Eva Sabina Marianne Nordström Deputy CEO/Deputy Managing Director Subscription Oncopeptides AB BTA BTA SE0021924370 03/05/2024 160,264 Quantity 2.60 SEK Notification
29/04/2024 Oncopeptides AB Sofia Heigis Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Oncopeptides AB TR Subscription right/Unit right SE0021924362 29/04/2024 30,000 Quantity 0.0366 SEK History Notification
Showing 1 to 10 of 155 result