Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
16/02/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Per Anders Gustav Carlberg Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Class B shares RECI B Share SE0005757267 15/02/2021 84,185 Quantity 232.00 SEK Notification
16/02/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Helena Levander Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Recipharm B Share SE0005757267 15/02/2021 4,200 Quantity 232.00 SEK Notification
16/02/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Carlos Santos von Bonhorst Silva Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Class B shares RECI B Share SE0005757267 15/02/2021 1,400 Quantity 232.00 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Olle Christenson Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Recipharm B Share SE0005757267 15/02/2021 6,544.64 Quantity 232.00 SEK Notification
15/02/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Marianne Charlotta Dicander Alexandersson Member of the Board of Directors Disposal Recipharm AB ser. B Share SE0005757267 15/02/2021 6,720 Quantity 232.00 SEK Notification
03/01/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Thomas Eldered Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory, Member of the Board of Directors Yes Merger increase Recipharm AB ser A Share SE0002834689 31/12/2020 10,656,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
03/01/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Thomas Eldered Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory, Member of the Board of Directors Yes Merger increase Recipharm AB ser B Share SE0005757267 31/12/2020 4,572,766 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
03/01/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Thomas Eldered Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory, Member of the Board of Directors Yes Merger decrease Recipharm AB ser A Share SE0002834689 31/12/2020 10,656,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK History Notification
03/01/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Thomas Eldered Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory, Member of the Board of Directors Yes Merger decrease Recipharm ser B Share SE0005757267 31/12/2020 4,572,766 Quantity 0.00 SEK History Notification
03/01/2021 Recipharm AB (publ) Flerie Participation AB Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory, Member of the Board of Directors Merger decrease Recipharm AB ser A Share SE0002834689 31/12/2020 10,656,000 Quantity 1.00 SEK Revised Notification
Showing 11 to 20 of 92 result