Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
24/05/2017 SECTRA AB Anders Persson Styrelseledamot Conversion increase KV 21 B 2013/2017 22/05/2017 3,927 Quantity 55.00 SEK Notification
24/05/2017 SECTRA AB Christer Nilsson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Conversion increase Sectra Ia B 22/05/2017 3,681 Quantity 55.00 SEK Revised Notification
24/05/2017 SECTRA AB Carl-Erik Ridderstråle Styrelseledamot/suppleant Conversion increase Sectra AB BIA 23/05/2017 36,818 Quantity 55.00 SEK Notification
28/03/2017 SECTRA AB MATS FRANZÉN Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition SECTRA AB ser B SE0008613970 27/03/2017 1,208 Quantity 182,602.00 SEK Notification
28/03/2017 SECTRA AB MATS FRANZÉN Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition SECTRA AB ser B SE0008613970 27/03/2017 3,124 Quantity 475,610.00 SEK Notification
28/03/2017 SECTRA AB MATS FRANZÉN Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition SECTRA AB ser B SE0008613970 27/03/2017 1,645 Quantity 251,551.00 SEK Notification
28/03/2017 SECTRA AB MATS FRANZÉN Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition SECTRA AB ser B SE0008613970 28/03/2017 798 Quantity 123,963.00 SEK Notification
24/03/2017 SECTRA AB MATS FRANZÉN Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition SECTRA AB ser B SE0008613970 23/03/2017 8 Quantity 1,297.00 SEK Notification
24/03/2017 SECTRA AB MATS FRANZÉN Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition SECTRA AB ser B SE0008613970 24/03/2017 1,967 Quantity 298,575.00 SEK Notification
07/03/2017 SECTRA AB Staffan Bergström Konernledning Yes Disposal SECTRA AB ser B SE0008613970 07/03/2017 6,000 Quantity 166.25 SEK Notification
Showing 341 to 350 of 402 result