Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
22/04/2024 AQ Group AB Ragnar Koppel Other senior executive Acquisition AQ Group AB Share SE0000772956 22/04/2024 23 Quantity 585.00 SEK Notification
22/04/2024 LC-Tec Holding AB Anders Björkman Member of the Board of Directors Subscription LC-Tec Holding BTA SE0000619371 22/04/2024 487,804 Quantity 0.41 SEK Notification
22/04/2024 Lohilo Foods AB (publ) Richard Hertvig Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Yes Acquisition Lohilo Foods AB Share SE0014262549 22/04/2024 80,000 Quantity 1.245 SEK Notification
22/04/2024 Scandi Standard AB (publ) Paulo Gaspar Member of the Board of Directors Yes Acquisition Scandi Standard AB Share SE0005999760 19/04/2024 1,120 Quantity 72.00 SEK Notification
22/04/2024 Ovzon AB (publ) Lars Höjgård Hansen Member of the Board of Directors Acquisition Ovzon AB Share SE0010948711 19/04/2024 100,000 Quantity 13.60 SEK Notification
22/04/2024 Enorama Pharma AB Bengt Jönsson Chairman of the Board of Directors Yes Subscription ERMA BTA BTA SE0021629151 28/03/2024 2,490,075 Quantity 2.00 SEK History Notification
22/04/2024 Nobia AB Nora Larssen Member of the Board of Directors Subscription NOBI BTA BTA SE0021922036 17/04/2024 15,000 Quantity 2.50 SEK Notification
22/04/2024 Enorama Pharma AB Bengt Jönsson Chairman of the Board of Directors Subscription ERMA BTA BTA SE0021629151 28/03/2024 2,490,075 Quantity 2.00 SEK Revised Notification
22/04/2024 AB Volvo Lars Ask Employee Representative of the Board of Directors or deputy Employee Representative of the Board of Directors Yes Disposal Volvo, AB ser. B Share SE0000115446 19/04/2024 250 Quantity 275.00 SEK Notification
22/04/2024 Lohilo Foods AB (publ) Richard Hertvig Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Directory Acquisition Lohilo Foods AB Share SE0014262549 19/04/2024 110,000 Quantity 1.06 SEK Notification
Showing 91 to 100 of 126721 result