Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
14/12/2017 Tobin Properties AB Peder Johnson Styrelseledamot Disposal Tobin Properties SE0006026985 11/12/2017 50,000 Quantity 24.70 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 A1M Pharma AB Tomas Jörgen Eriksson VD Yes Exercise decrease A1M TO SE0009773450 08/12/2017 44,444 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 A1M Pharma AB Tomas Jörgen Eriksson VD Yes Exercise increase A1M SE0009973357 08/12/2017 2,222 Quantity 15.00 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 Nolato AB Johan Arvidsson Affärsområdeschef Acquisition Teckningsoption 12/12/2017 19,000 Quantity 16.60 SEK History Notification
14/12/2017 B3IT Management AB Jan Hermanson VD Yes Acquisition B3IT Management AB SE0008347660 12/12/2017 26,659 Quantity 73.00 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 MAG Interactive AB (publ) David Amor CBDO Disposal MAG Interactive AB (publ) Common SE0010520908 08/12/2017 42,157 Quantity 44.00 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 Polyplank Leif Jilkén Styrelseledamot Yes Acquisition Polyplank AB SE0005569290 11/12/2017 10,500 Quantity 0.18 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 Polyplank Leif Jilkén Styrelseledamot Yes Acquisition Polyplank AB SE0005569290 08/12/2017 5,000 Quantity 0.18 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 Corem Property Group AB Eva Margareta Landén CEO Allotment Corem Property Group AB ser. B SE0010494864 12/12/2017 100,000 Quantity 0.00 SEK Notification
14/12/2017 MAG Interactive AB (publ) Johan Persson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Loan granted MAGI SE0010520908 08/12/2017 90,048 Quantity 44.00 SEK History Notification
Showing 111171 to 111180 of 128265 result