Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
31/07/2016 MEDFIELD DIAGNOSTICS AB Mikael Persson VD Yes Acquisition SE0004479046 29/07/2016 137 Quantity 7.85 SEK Revised Notification
31/07/2016 MEDFIELD DIAGNOSTICS AB Mikael Persson VD Yes Acquisition SE0004479046 29/07/2016 1,049 Quantity 7.85 SEK Revised Notification
31/07/2016 MEDFIELD DIAGNOSTICS AB Mikael Persson VD Yes Acquisition SE0004479046 29/07/2016 892 Quantity 7.90 SEK Revised Notification
31/07/2016 MEDFIELD DIAGNOSTICS AB Mikael Persson VD Yes Acquisition SE0004479046 29/07/2016 210 Quantity 7.95 SEK Revised Notification
31/07/2016 MEDFIELD DIAGNOSTICS AB Mikael Persson VD Yes Acquisition SE0004479046 29/07/2016 473 Quantity 7.95 SEK Revised Notification
31/07/2016 MEDFIELD DIAGNOSTICS AB Mikael Persson VD Yes Acquisition SE0004479046 29/07/2016 507 Quantity 7.95 SEK Revised Notification
31/07/2016 Copperstone Resources AB MICHAEL MATTSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal SE0001915190 25/07/2016 394,300 Quantity 0.46 SEK Notification
31/07/2016 Copperstone Resources AB MICHAEL MATTSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal SE0001915190 26/07/2016 105,700 Quantity 0.45 SEK Notification
30/07/2016 HomeMaid AB FREDRIK GREVELIUS Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal SE0001426131 27/07/2016 128,100 Quantity 12.25 SEK Revised Notification
30/07/2016 HomeMaid AB FREDRIK GREVELIUS Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal SE0001426131 28/07/2016 2,500 Quantity 12.25 SEK Revised Notification
Showing 126791 to 126800 of 127380 result