Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
25/08/2016 nederman holding ab PER-OVE ERIKSSON Divisions chef SVP Disposal Nederman Holding AB SE0002000083 24/08/2016 636 Quantity 221.50 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Intrum Justitia AB TORE BERTILSSON Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Aktie 24/08/2016 1,500 Quantity 272.50 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Jays AB Guntis Brands Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal Jays AB SE0003204908 19/08/2016 13,200 Quantity 1.54 SEK Revised Notification
25/08/2016 Industrivärden, AB Fredrik Lundberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Industrivärden, AB ser. A SE0000190126 25/08/2016 9,000,000 Quantity 153.25 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Industrivärden, AB Fredrik Lundberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Acquisition Industrivärden, AB ser. A SE0000190126 25/08/2016 1,000,000 Quantity 153.25 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Industrivärden, AB Lars Fredrik Elis Lundberg Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Industrivärden, AB ser. A SE0000190126 25/08/2016 1,000,000 Quantity 153.25 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Avtech Sweden AB A Gunnar Jonny Olsson Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Actech A 22/08/2016 100,000 Quantity 4.00 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Guideline Geo Peter Lindgren Styrelseledamot/suppleant Acquisition Guideline Geo SE0005562014 25/08/2016 15,000 Quantity 8.77 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Invisio Communications AB Carsten Aagesen Sr. Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing Disposal Invisio Communications AB SE0001200015 22/08/2016 4,544 Quantity 71.59 SEK Notification
25/08/2016 Invisio Communications AB Carsten Aagesen Sr. Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing Disposal Invisio Communications AB SE0001200015 23/08/2016 12,074 Quantity 71.50 SEK Notification
Showing 127061 to 127070 of 128158 result