Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
01/09/2016 Transtema Group AB Prevestor AB Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Transtema SE0006758587 31/08/2016 250,000 Quantity 25.30 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 Transtema Group AB OSKAR SÄFSTRÖM Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal Transtema SE0006758587 31/08/2016 250,000 Quantity 25.30 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 DGC One AB Patrik Gylesjö Vice VD Exercise increase DGC One AB SE0002571539 31/08/2016 3,440 Quantity 79.57 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 PEN Concept Group AB ROBERT WU Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal PEN Concept SE0008435051 30/08/2016 576,552 Quantity 4.60 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 DGC One AB Magnus Blom Affärsområdeschef Exercise increase DGC One AB SE0002571539 31/08/2016 1,720 Quantity 79.57 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 DGC One AB Stefan Richard Clareus Controller Exercise increase DGC One AB SE0002571539 31/08/2016 3,440 Quantity 79.57 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 ÅF AB Anders Forslund Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal ÅF AB ser. B SE0005999836 31/08/2016 93 Quantity 167.00 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 ÅF AB Anders Forslund Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal ÅF AB ser. B SE0005999836 31/08/2016 32 Quantity 166.50 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 ÅF AB Anders Forslund Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal ÅF AB ser. B SE0005999836 31/08/2016 287 Quantity 167.00 SEK Notification
01/09/2016 ÅF AB Anders Forslund Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal ÅF AB ser. B SE0005999836 31/08/2016 351 Quantity 166.50 SEK Notification
Showing 127101 to 127110 of 128382 result