Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
19/10/2016 Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) Nils Tommy Bylund Styrelseledamot Conversion decrease KV 4 A SE0003961713 19/10/2016 1,131,799 Amount 1,131,799.00 SEK Notification
19/10/2016 Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) Nils Tommy Bylund Styrelseledamot Conversion increase IA A SE0000193252 19/10/2016 16,710 Quantity 67.73 SEK Notification
19/10/2016 Elanders AB Pam Fredman Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Subscription Elanders AB BTA ser. B SE0008991590 17/10/2016 402 Quantity 80.00 SEK Notification
19/10/2016 Midsona AB LENNART SVENSSON Ekonomi/finanschef Subscription Midsona AB ser. B SE0000565228 14/10/2016 50,000 Quantity 5.30 SEK Revised Notification
19/10/2016 Botnia Exploration Holding AB Bengt Ljung VD Yes Acquisition Botnia Exploration SE0002939892 17/10/2016 200 Quantity 2.31 SEK Notification
19/10/2016 Industrivärden, AB Martin Per Hamner Ekonomi/finanschef Acquisition Industrivärden, AB ser. C SE0000107203 18/10/2016 6,636 Quantity 158.80 SEK Notification
19/10/2016 Industrivärden, AB Martin Per Hamner Ekonomi/finanschef Disposal Industrivärden, AB ser. C SE0000107203 19/10/2016 6,636 Quantity 158.54 SEK Notification
19/10/2016 Mangold AB (publ) Per-Anders Tammerlöv VD Yes Acquisition Mangold AB (publ) SE0001449380 18/10/2016 100 Quantity 365.00 SEK Notification
19/10/2016 Mangold AB (publ) Per-Anders Tammerlöv VD Yes Acquisition Mangold AB (publ) SE0001449380 18/10/2016 40 Quantity 371.00 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 Mackmyra Svensk Whisky AB Carl Håkan Johansson Övrig Acquisition MAckmyra SE0000731747 18/10/2016 9,720 Quantity 9.35 SEK Notification
Showing 135701 to 135710 of 138441 result