Publication date Issuer Person discharging managerial responsibilities Position Closely associated Nature of transaction Instrument name Intrument type ISIN Transaction date Volume Unit Price Currency Status Details
18/10/2016 Vostok Emerging Finance Ltd Autumn Investments AB General Counsel Disposal VEMF SDB SE0007192018 14/10/2016 50,000 Quantity 1.36 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 AB Industrivärden Sverker Sivall Kommunikationschef Acquisition Industrivärden, AB ser. C SE0000107203 18/10/2016 4,317 Quantity 158.80 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 AB Industrivärden Sverker Sivall Kommunikationschef Disposal Industrivärden, AB ser. C SE0000107203 18/10/2016 4,317 Quantity 159.00 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 AB Industrivärden Sverker Sivall Kommunikationschef Acquisition Industrivärden, AB ser. C SE0000107203 18/10/2016 800 Quantity 159.34 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 Starbreeze ab Eva Redhe Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal STAR-B SE0005992831 13/10/2016 9,000 Quantity 23.00 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 Starbreeze ab Eva Redhe Styrelseledamot/suppleant Yes Disposal STAR-A SE0007158928 13/10/2016 4,500 Quantity 22.80 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 Starbreeze ab EVA REDHE Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal STAR-B SE0005992831 13/10/2016 106,000 Quantity 23.00 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 Starbreeze ab EVA REDHE Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal STAR-B SE0005992831 13/10/2016 43,000 Quantity 22.90 SEK Notification
18/10/2016 Starbreeze ab EVA REDHE Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal STAR-A SE0007158928 13/10/2016 4,500 Quantity 22.80 SEK Cancelled Notification
18/10/2016 Starbreeze ab EVA REDHE Styrelseledamot/suppleant Disposal STAR-B SE0005992831 13/10/2016 43,000 Quantity 22.90 SEK Cancelled Notification
Showing 135711 to 135720 of 138441 result